Holmes, Paterno, Mayer – Power of Symbols

Media, hungry for readers, frame the big stories in terms of symbolism.  For James Holmes, it was the need for gun control.  For Joe Paterno, the neglect of duty. And for Marissa Meyer, women’s choices.  Reporters and editors know that we human beings experience the world through symbols.

Your customers are no different.  They see your products and services in terms of symbols.  That’s why all your marketing, public relations, social media, and special events have to be built around a symbol.  Job number-one is creating the right symbol and reinforcing it.




Ø Your restaurant broadcasts the message that the cuisine, ambiance and service restore the soul.


Ø Your women’s discount store represents no-mistake professional attire at affordable prices.


Ø Your landscaping shop stands for taking pride in one’s property.


Kate Sirignano, founder of Image Marketing Consultants, provides complimentary consultations on your marketing, public relations, media buying, social media, and special events 203-404-4868kate@imagemarketingconsultants.com


Social Media: Conversions, Not Likes, Matter

Social media is confusing.  “Kate,” clients ask me over and over again, “my Facebook fan page and blogging are bringing in sales.  However, there aren’t many “likes” on the content.  Should I be worried?”



If your business is B2C, that is targeted at consumers, all that matters is converting the content of your social media into sales.  Therefore, if the right prospects see your posts and respond to them by opening their pocketbook, you are hitting homeruns.  Likes, comments, retweets indicate popularity.  Remember the most popular kids in high school? Most of them are no where today.


Kate Sirignano, founder of Image Marketing Consultants, provides complimentary consultations on social media, marketing, media buying, public relations, and special events 203-404-4868kate@imagemarketingconsultants.com.


Consumer Shift – 3 Tips from Image Marketing Consultants

Retailers have to market differently to consumers as well as do more of what is working.  THE ECONOMIST reports that the U.S. economy is shifting from a consumer to an export one http://www.economist.com/node/21558591. The Federal Reserve attributes much of this to consumers paying off debt.  They are spending less.

Image Marketing Consultants has these 3 tips:


  • Listen to the marketplace through special events and social media.  Consumers will tell you what should stay the same and what else they want.


  • Experiment with some price points.  Often lowering those on popular items will make consumers feel safe shopping with you.


  • Entertain.  That could be as simple as background music or as exotic as having drama students putting on skits in your store.


Kate Sirignano, founder of Image Marketing Consultants, welcomes your questions on marketing in a shifting economy Kate@imagemarketingconsultants.com.



Contrarian Marketing – 3 Tips from Image Marketing Consultants

“Contrarians,” as they are called, get attention because they think out of the box.  For example, on Wall Street, when everyone is buying Apple stock, contrarian analysts recommend selling or going short.  Investors are all ears.  Here are 3 tips from Image Marketing Consultants on how you can leverage contrarian marketing for your business here in the Northeast Corridor, especially New England.


§ Upside Down Piggybacks. The trend is healthy everything.  You feature sinful or indulgent products and services. Example: 430-calorie double-frosted cupcakes to eat instead of going to the gym.

§ Unconventional Slogans/Taglines. When businesses gush about their excellent customer service, position yours as built on DIY or Do It Yourself.  Example: “Because we’re lazy, you serve yourself – and save lots of $.’

§ Humor. Being funny involves risk but it’s a grabber because most businesses present themselves as serious.  Post on YouTube videos of your products talking back to customers.  Example: The tomato says it wants to be part of a salad, not a sauce.


Kate Sirignano, founder of Image Marketing Consultants, provides complimentary consultants on marketing, public relations, media buying, social media, and special events, 203-404-4868Kate@imagemarketingconsultants.com.



Branding: What Chris Christie Is Teaching Us

Branding is the unique space your product or service owns in the minds and hearts of your customers.  It’s the foundation for everything you will do in marketing.  So, yes, do it right the first time.  That is take the time to create the right identity.  While you’re doing that, here is what you might learn from one of the strongest current political brands. That’s Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey.


The latest Quinnipiac poll found that 54 percent of voters in his state approve of his performance.  That means that he has been able to gain and keep the majority on his side.  Yet, at the same time he has been able to develop a brand identity that sets him apart from all the other political leaders on the radar screen.


In terms of your own branding, here are the takeaway lessons:


  • Your brand can’t be all things to all people.  It simply has to align with the constituencies or demographics which count.  If Christie tried to appeal to everyone, his identity would be too diluted to stand out.


  • Your brand must be out there.  Christie is constantly engaged in some public function and seems to make it his business to promote those.


  • Your brand becomes stronger by managing criticism and controversy.  Each public relations battle Christie manages, his brand becomes more embedded in the global consciousness.


Please contact Kate Sirignano, 203-404-4868, kate@imagemarketingconsultants.com for a complimentary review of your branding.