Short = Sweet Spot in Communications

You are your message.  If your message is wordy, Millennials and Generation X, who are your prospective customers or clients, are bound to roll their eyes. All too quickly they could decide to go somewhere else to buy.  That’s because this is the era of Twitter or short form.  Millennials and Gen Xers are wary of organizations which take too long to get their message out there.  We live in Fast Time.

Here are 3 tips on how to downsize your messages:

Think More.  Too many words usually reflect hurried thinking.  Not enough time was invested into boiling down the core message to a phrase or one sentence.  LinkedIn’s core message is helping careers. Long form just doesn’t “stick.”

Wait.  Since messages aren’t changed easily, do it right the first time.  That means playing with the ideas until they can be transmitted in a concise manner.  THE NEW YORK TIMES’ message is short: All the news that’s fit to print.  That message has endured through decades, unchanged.

Observe.  Please read and listen to others’ communications.  You will understand why customers flee verbosity.  It might be said that the late Steve Jobs invented short form at Apple.  His message to the world, ranging from customers to employees, was to be different.  Differentiation is the core of branding.

Kate Sirignano, founder of Image Marketing Consultants, provides complimentary consultations for Marketing, Partnering, Advertising, Public Relations, Social Media, and Special events, 203-404-4068,