We all make mistakes on social media. But how does that affect the growth of your brand? There are certain social media posts that might not do what you want them to. The last thing that you want your brand to be doing is pushing followers away!

Here are some social media ‘manners’ that are safe to follow:

  • When you make a new post, make sure that you don’t overuse your hashtags. While your post might be found from clicking on a hashtag, you don’t want to annoy your followers. A simple rule of thumb is picking the top theme of your post, then putting a few hashtags after. If you are posting a picture your office, pick the top hashtags that are trending. Try looking on Hash Tracking to see what is trending.Hashtag-Printing-In-Ireland
  • Don’t beg people to follow you. If you reach out to someone that liked your post and not your page, you can say, “Thanks for the like on my post, have you seen some of our other great content?” and lead them in a good direction. Don’t say, “Thank you for the like, follow my pages @—–.” It is an easy way to lose people. You can even answer questions that they have for you, or check out what they have are up to as well.
  • Posting the same post on all social media platforms. People may follow you on your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and they want to see different types of posts. While double posting is sometimes okay, try to come up with creative and new content for each social media outlet. Double posting is seen as an easy way out of coming up with more posts. IMG_0033
  • While we had a blog on what posts work for your business, there is something to think of; overdoing the posts that work. If you are constantly posting the same thing, your followers will get bored. So it is great to find a variety of posts that will work for your business.

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