Image Marketing’s Director of Client Services Katherine Bolas appeared in a recent virtual tv interview on Better Connecticut! ule Advanced settings.

Broadcast interviews are invaluable. They provide a direct platform to increase brand awareness and credibility, and allow consumers to see the ‘personal’ side of your business.

Though the benefits of TV interviews haven’t changed since the start of the pandemic, the interviews themselves look different. Social distancing regulations have prompted most news stations to conduct interviews via Skype or Zoom, instead of inviting guests to their studios. 

Virtual interviews expand coverage opportunities for businesses and media outlets, who can now host guests located anywhere, at any time. Given these benefits, virtual interviews are likely to outlive the pandemic. Knowing how to prepare for them will definitely give your business a competitive edge in our virtual world.

Having secured 20+ virtual tv interviews for our clients in just the past few weeks alone, the Image Marketing PR team is no stranger to the spotlight (even if we’ve traded in professional studio lights for our own at home “studio” set-up and ring light for the time being!) Read on for our team’s best tips and tricks to best prepare for your next virtual interview.


Here are the 3 key steps to preparing for your broadcast tv virtual interview: 



Your “Zoom-Studio” should replicate the clarity and intimacy of an in-person interview. A clean backdrop, personable camera angle, and excellent lighting ensure that your viewers (and interviewer) engage with what matters most: you, your business, and your message. 


Keep your backdrop tidy and simple; avoid sitting in front of cluttered shelves, patterned walls, or posters. These items can distract your audience, or even steer conversation away from your business. 

Camera Angle 

Place your camera at eye-level, and sit about two feet away from your device. Keeping your face “center stage” will help you appear confident and professional.


Be sure to avoid shadows or harsh lighting. Welcoming, natural light helps your audience form positive associations with your business. While natural light is preferable, it can be replicated with blue-tinted LED bulbs. 

Facing your light source eliminates shadows created by back and side-light; but, be sure to sit several feet away to avoid appearing “washed out.” 

Pro-tip: to take your lighting set-up to the next level, consider purchasing an inexpensive ring light.  They’re easy to use and will help eliminate any harsh shadows and make your set-up look professional and polished.


Hoodies and sweats may be our “new normal,” but it’s important to dress your best!

Dangling headphones and multi-colored or patterned clothing can be distracting. Instead, opt for wireless headphones (or none at all), simple jewelry, amd a solid, long sleeve top. This will prevent you from getting “lost” in your backdrop, and keep your audience focused on your responses. When it comes to color, wear what you feel most confident in, but keep in mind that most tv studios will tell you to avoid wearing white or black, as they can appear unflattering in harsh lighting. 



Practicing for your interview (independently or with colleagues!)  will help eliminate technical challenges, and help you feel more confident. 

Practicing also provides the opportunity to check that your headphones and microphone are working properly, and your lighting and backdrop are well suited for a television appearance. 

Zoom’s recording feature enables you to record and watch your practice interviews. Observing how you look, sound, and interact with the “interviewer” will help you perfect your body language, and eliminate any vague, awkward, or unnecessary elements in your responses or pitch.



A successful interview will help develop your brand and bridge the gap between you and your customers. Practicing, setting the stage, and dressing the part, will ensure you get the most out of your virtual TV interview.

Now that you know how to ace your interview, need some help getting your segment booked? Contact us for help developing media relationships, earning television exposure, and highlighting your business to the right audience!

