Filling the Shopping Center Talent Gap

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What happens when your Marketing Director leaves? Or your shopping center doesn’t have the budget for one?

A marketing director plays an integral role within a shopping center’s asset team. Responsible for driving visitor traffic, supporting retailer sales, and the overall visibility and market positioning of the property, marketing efforts greatly contribute to the overall success of any property. However, there are occasions, both temporary and permanent, when having a property marketing director just isn’t possible or practical. These can include:

    • Limited property budgets
    • Staff turnover
    • Extended illness
    • Sabbatical/maternity Leave
    • Local labor pool limitations
    • Lack of skills or industry knowledge
    • Resource is needed NOW!

C2 Fractional Marketing:
Filling the talent gap

C2 Fractional Marketing is a highly flexible and affordable solution for onboarding experienced marketing professionals with the latest knowledge of traditional and digital trends. Stacked with retail real estate industry veterans, the C2 team has expertise in property marketing, budgeting, tenant relations, and developing strategic goals for a center.

Did you know?

Employers spend on average three to eight months before a new hire becomes fully productive at work.

SHRM HR Benchmarking Report, 2022

How do you get a versatile marketing team without wasting time and money?

Fractional Marketing Resource (FMR)

An FMR is a flex-time property marketing director backed by a team of marketing professionals. Your FMR will work closely with on-site staff, the corporate management team, and agency partners as needed to manage a robust marketing strategy for your properties.

Your FMR can scale up and down in contribution based on the budget, scope, and needs of your centers.

Service delivery can be broad in scope, or highly specific.

Deployment can be for a single center, or across multiple centers.

FMR commitment can be month to month, quarterly, or annually.

When you onboard an FMR, you are gaining exceptionally qualified professionals who bring the knowledge and expertise of the role, but with a flexible time commitment and cost structure.

How C2 Can Help You















How do we know?

Over 40 brands and companies trust C2 to guide them through the ever changing landscape of risks and opportunities that impact shopping center marketing operations.

C2 delivers a decisive experience advantage to our clients through our award-winning B2C marketing, PR, creative, and technology enablement. Our unique blend of retail marketing, shopping center operations, and SaaS experience allows us to understand and evaluate people, assets, and technology within the broader retail real estate context.

Ready to get started?

Fill out this brief form below and a member of the C2 team will reach out to you within the next few days.