At Image, we are always coming up with new ways for businesses to market themselves! One of our Team members, Alexa, is our social media marketing guru. Alexa has been with IMC for over a year, she started on the team as an intern last summer. She goes to Quinnipiac University and is studying Public Relations and Public Relations.


Why did you want to join the IMC team? Last year I really wanted to find an internship where I would be able to learn a lot, and that would challenge me. I didn’t know that I would be joining such an amazing team and getting my  first job in PR!

What is your favorite thing about Public Relations and Social Media? I love that PR works so well with social media. I think that so many people can benefit from using social media every day no matter what type of business they own. It is a great way to show off your business and it’s free! So it’s a win win. I love being on social media and finding out all of the trends. When I tell people that I am on Facebook all day at work, they don’t understand how hard I am working for businesses!

What does your day to day look like? Every day at IMC is different! We have a diverse set of clients and I love working with everyone. Whether its making up some social posts, newsletters, or blogging for a client I am always ready to work. We love to go out and grab lunch from local places, and sometimes we work as a team in the conference room. There are always new things to work on!

If you could be in any city in the world right now where would you be? I would be in Florence probably! It was an amazing experience to travel abroad and as much as I do love CT, I love Italy even more.

How many pairs of shoes do you own? I own probably over 50 pairs, but I honestly wear about 10 of them! I love finding them both fashionable and comfy making them perfect for the office! (Which you should checkout our Instagram to see our future Tuesday Shoesday posts!)

Lightning round:

Favorite food: Tacos

Cat or dog: Cat! I have a fluffy fat cat named Buddy

Pen or Pencil: I use pens all the time, but I like that pencils can erase your mistakes!

Beach or mountains: Beach

Instagram or Facebook: Instagram

Most-used app on your phone: Facebook!

Two words friends would use to describe you: Bubbly and ambitious

Favorite hobbies? I love to play tennis, horseback ride, and go diving

What are you currently watching: Scandal and The Office

In 2016, you’re most excited for: Starting my senior year of college and going on amazing trips