A gimmick.  A stunt. It will ruin her career as a lawyer.  That’s what some are saying about Mindy Meyer’s “pink” campaign as a conservative candidate for the New York state Senate. Here is her pink website http://mindymeyer4senate.com/?tw_p=twt


The critics may be right.  However, Image Marketing Consultants recommends you not not miss the marketing lessons embedded here.  Out of nowhere, this 22-year-old New York law student is getting national media attention, including from the influential POLITICO http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0712/78871.html With statements like “The Senate’s not just a bunch of old people” – Meyer can become the under-30 Sarah Palin – the voice of a new generation of conservatives.


The lessons?  Here are 3:


  • Positioning and packaging are everything.  Most leaders, causes, products, and services are essentially similar.  The best marketing communications win the day.


  • Take smart risks.  At her age, Meyer has nothing to lose and everything to gain.


  • Look, talk, walk youthful.  That has nothing to do with age.  No one thinks of Hillary Clinton as old.


Kate Sirignano, founder of Image Marketing Consultants, provides complimentary consultations in marketing, public relations, media buys, social media, and special events 203-404-4868Kate@imagemarketingconsultants.com.